Thursday, January 24, 2013

Aug 2012 - 1st Year Party

There's a Korean tradition of celebrating a baby's 1st birthday (Dol) in grand fashion.  This custom originated from the era where babies (no matter how adorable) would not always survive their first year of life due to disease or malnutrition.

Of course, I'm growing up in the United States (the most sterline countries in the world), and my two parents (who eat like hogs) would never let me go too long without a meal.  So I was pretty confident I'd make it to my 1st birthday.

But since I was in Korea and with most of my extended Korean family, we all decided to have the Dol party while I was there - even if I was only turning 10 months old.

My great aunt set up the entire party and all I had to do was show up and look adorable.  Mission accomplished.

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