Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Friends Update - Sebastian & Liam

The baby factory must have been working overtime during the holidays. I told you that 2013 was going to be a busy year for making new baby friends.

I asked my mother where all these babies were coming from.  She said God sends an angel down to  special mommies and daddies.  The angel touches the mommy's stomach and a little tiny baby starts to grow.

I called "bull poo poo" on that pretty quickly, so I asked my father who started drawing pictures of what I can only describe as alien tubes and tadpoles.  I lost interest after he used the term gestation period.  But I digress.

Over the weekend, I got 2 new cute guy friends:  Sebastian on Friday Jan 11th and Liam on Sunday Jan 13th.

Sebastian is my first new Los Angeles baby friend.  (I don't have my camera on me, but just imagine me doing the West Side hand sign with my tiny fingers).

Sebastian's parents, Steve & Ann, have known my father for about 11-12 years when they were living in New York.  But they moved back to LA a few years ago because the NY food didn't have enough avocado.

Liam, however, is my fellow East Coaster.  His parents, Adam & Erika, were living in New York as well before moving across the Hudson River a few months ago.

Adam has known my father since they were around 6 years old. I say "around 6 years old" because it was during the dark era before Facebook so accurate records were not kept.

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